Thursday, May 15, 2008

Four writing updates

Writing update #1: Mark gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card for Mother's Day. I hope he didn't plan on seeing me again before July.

Writing update #2: My wrists and neck have been bothering me muchly lately. I've been trying to improve the sloppy posture (I know, Mom, I should have listened to you years ago), but since I spend so much time on the computer, we decided to buy an ergonomic keyboard. Let's hope the children don't destroy this one.

Writing update #3: My new goal is three pages of the novel per day. There, now it's in print and online, so I'm accountable. If we assume I have about 120 pages to go (and who knows), I can get it done in 40 days. That's five weeks, but give me about one day off a week, and that makes six. I could have the first draft done by the end of June. Here's hoping.

Writing update #4: One possible title idea for Book 2: Canadian Shield. I'll at least wait until the book is finished before I decide.

1 comment:

Sara and Company said...

Well, you're one step ahead of me....I'm afraid to write down what I need to do and/or my goal as then I would actually have to try to hold myself accountable for them. Right now I am happy most days just to get through the day and any little extra is just great! But I think I would be happier if I got some of the things checked off my list that I've been putting off. Good luck!